
Hello! Welcome to the ‘Piano’ section of my ‘Flourishing in Music’ blog. Whether you are a beginner or a professional – stay connected with me through the contact form at the bottom of the page or by following my Facebook business page to see more posts relevant to both piano playing and the professional music world.

Piano was my ‘first love’ as a musician. I started playing at the age of seven. I still remember the excitement I felt when after just a few lessons note-reading ‘clicked’ for me. I eagerly read through most of the book, hungry to hear all of the possibilities of sound. I am not a ‘concert pianist’ and there are many professionals out there whose technical skills at the piano surpass my own. However, the piano has wound itself through my life like a golden thread, and even though I went on to earn degrees in Flute Performance – I have continued to pursue my love of the piano. I have had the pleasure of teaching Class Piano for Music Majors at two colleges – including at one teaching the inaugural ‘Class Piano’ – the very first class at the school in piano! I have also taught piano lessons in a supplemental program in a private school developed by another passionate and excellent teacher, and now have a few years of experience teaching private lessons in a studio.

I seriously LOVE piano pedagogy! (I loved flute pedagogy too.) I am fascinated by the journey that students undertake to produce music on an instrument and HUNGRY to find the best ways for people to learn. Whether you are in the process of learning to play yourself, or a piano teacher, or parent of a piano student – I hope you’ll enjoy walking alongside me in this journey to flourish as we grow as pianists, musicians, and people.


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